Monday, September 29, 2008

I AM FURIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The photo below is one I found on Dale's camera phone. He claims to have no knowledge of where it came from, but I find that hard to believe. It was just last week that he disappeared for three whole days. He says he told me he was going fishing with his friend Greg, but I swear to God he never said anything about it.

Who could this woman be? Does anyone recognize her? I'm guessing she's Irish and about 25, but I know for sure her breasts are larger than mine and that Dale has a thing for those. I AM FURIOUS!!!!!!!!!! I wish I knew for sure what kind of relationship he had with this woman. Did he just think her shirt was funny and decided to take a photo of it, or has he been dating her for the past several months or years?

Here's a photo of a gold miner. His name is Clyde. He probably has never given his wife a reason to even suspect him of cheating. "Many power sources are used in the mine to break and move the mined rock: Electric, pneumatic, diesel, water, battery and explosives. Manpower, however, is the most important and ultimate energy source in our underground mine."


Margaret Fisk
President Pro Tem

Sunday, September 21, 2008

May had to come sometime

Sorry about this one ladies. I almost skipped May because honestly, I find Tom to be the most unsexy underground gold miner of the year. I guess he's all right if you're into much older men, but he kind of reminds me of my grandpa Steve who has dementia. I guess it also depresses me a little to think about how even gold miners get old, which always make me think about I'm getting old and how I've also gained a lot of weight over the past year. Fortunately for me, I never have to worry about not realizing I've gotten too fat, because once I get a little pudgy, Dale starts asking me to change my clothes in the bathroom. Since he's out of town on business I've been walking around the house naked eating ice cream just to prove this is one woman who can't be told what to do!!

Even though he must be days from retirement, this month's miner is still a real sharp cookie, unlike my grandpa who can't remember his name and writes on the bathroom wall with poo. "Every task underground demands a sharp mind, including loading the cars from a chute. Every miner knows at least one story about 'the fool killer'. In our mine, a powerful but natural force permeates the workings. It's called Mother Nature."


again for this old guy in the picture, I promise more underground beefcake next month.

Presiden Pro Tem,
Margaret Fisk

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Little Taste of Germany!

OMG!!!! I just got back from a funeral in Denver and I had the greatest time. My cousin Cheryl and I ended up at a real live gay bar!! It was totally on accident. We just stopped in to use the bathroom, but when the bar tenders are wearing nothing but underwear what's a girl to do but have six or seven Jack and Cokes!! Being surrounded by buff stud muffins made me feel like a real woman. I just wish Dale could have been there to watch me drink Tequilla out of Javier's belly button. (The only reason I did it, besides the fact that I wanted to put my lips on his rippling abs, is becasue I was so mad that Dale wouldn't come to the funeral because he had some dumb fantasy football party to host. I'm still mad about that.)

After a couple hours I spent most of the money from my Christmas account. (who ever heard of a $12 beer? I guess it's a gay thing I whouldn't understand) The strobe lights, fog, and that same dance song they had been playing over and over again for nearly two hours started to get on my nerves, so I went out onto the patio to clear my head. Imagine my surprise when I found out there was a pool out there along with a gaggle of lesbians. I hung out there for a while hoping someone might notice lil' ole' me. ( Not that I wanted to go to that party, but you know how it's always nice to get an invite.) None of them gave me a second glance, not even the ugly ones, which was most of them. I sat down next to the pool and cried for a minute, and when I really got going I vomited in the pool. I guess I didn't actually have that good of a time now that I think of it.

Either way, those hairless Adonis' dancing in the cages couldn't compare to the raw sexiness of a real live underground gold miner like Klaus.


He says, "I love the intensity and challenge of working underground. Every day I am pushed to the limit mentally and physically. It's a tough job, but it is very exciting to blow a round and clear a few more of tunnel. Nothing, however, compares to the thrill of finding pure gold ore down under." I can't imagine how exciting it must be to blow a round down under. Can you?

Until next week, meeting adjourned.

Margaret Fist
President Pro Tem

PS. if you have a minute, please say a prayer for my dead grandma Trudi. She was a great woman and her funeral was sparsely attended.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Check Out the Hose on This Miner!

The fair is in town this weekend!! Me and the girls are going to get swanky and see if we can't raise a little heck. Last year we ate/drank a goodly amount of fried marguritas. Rochelle ended up getting sick all over the foot massagers and Lacy and I managed to get backstage at the Greg Khin Band's concert (but that's a story I'm taking to the grave!!!! I don't want my love in jeopardy!! not that my husband Dale ever reads any of my blogs:.(

This week's underground hottie is named Jason. He works down at the bottom of the Sixteen to One as a Miner/Slusher. I'm not sure what a slusher is, but I'm not ashamed to say that just looking at this picture makes me a little slushy inside!

Jason says, "I like working underground in the mine. While there's variety in the work, it's always about the same temperature. I never have to think how to dress."

YEAH! If anyone talks to Jason, let him know he won't have to think about what to wear when he comes to my house either! Cause no matter how cold it gets, I can keep him warm!!

Your Humble President Pro Tem
Margaret Fisk

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mr. February (1 for all U moustache lovers!!!!)

I don't know about the rest of you ladies, but a broad shouldered hunk with a moustache makes my knees weak! Unfortunately, my husband Dale has a glandular disorder that prevents him from being able to grow an facial hair, including eyebrows!! (I pencil them in for him every day!!!!). Burger King has a great little game where you can put a moustache on any photo, so I made one of him with a sexy lip worm. See Below.
But enough about my fantasy life, let's get down to the business of checking out some real live hot hot moustache action on this month's miner Butch!! He's also a real tool head, as evidenced by this quote direct from the lips perched under that exquisite lip cozy. "Men and machines work together to move the muck (broken rock) away from the face of solid rock. This pneumatic shovel, called a 'mucking machine', will fill a one ton car in seconds."
I don't know this for a fact, but my guess is that the government forced Butch into a career underground to keep us "topsiders" from running into him and forgetting all about our silly wedding vows we made, at the grange hall, twenty years ago.

Until next week, keep the mine in your mind and try not to dwell to long on Butch's Behind!!!!!

Fan Club President Pro Tem
Margaret Fisk